Sewing Room

I'm so happy to have my sewing room. I've been told I should call it a studio, but I'm just not a studio kind of person. After all, I sew in it, not study. Thirty years ago when I first moved here this room was our bedroom, but after a few years I moved the bedroom to the room in the back of the house where it is quieter and the fireplace is and the original room became a guest room. But we never had overnight guests so it turned into a catch-all messy storage place. Then for a year it was home for my daughter and two grandkids. They moved out and it once again became the messy storage place. My sewing during this time consisted of sitting on the living room floor as I had given away the dining table. One day as I was looking for something in the storage room I had a Great Epiphany -- this room would make a great sewing room! So I casually mentioned it to my husband. I drew up plans and picked paint. We started by tearing the wallpaper murals off and made great progress on the first day.The stuff cluttering up the room was relocated, given away, or junked. Then I hurt my back; in bed for two weeks and using a walker for a couple of months and work on the sewing room came to a standstill. A friend had booked a cruise to Panama and her companion backed out of going so she asked me if I could go with her.  I thought a cruise would be a perfect place to recuperate so off we went on a most memorable three weeks. On my return home I found a wonderful almost completed sewing room awaiting me, complete with shelves for part of my sewing machine collection. Feeling blessed.


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