Busy Friday

Spent the morning sewing the last three 365 Challenge blocks; I had to go to my Civil War sewing group yesterday so got a little behind with these but I'm all caught up with them now. Until tomorrow morning, that is. Took a trip to the grocery store for more fresh veggies and to PetSmart for more cat food. DH treated me to dinner out at Golden Corral. I like it there as I can pick out  gluten free options .I hope -- time will tell. I really pigged out on the sweet potato fries sprinkled with cinnamon.

 These are my 365 Challenge blocks for the past week. A couple of them were real challenges -- those teeny tiny ½" half square triangles and the T block. If were doing the easy blocks now I hate to think what they will be like by the end of the year.

DH had to go out after we came home so I took the quiet evening time to finish up my homework from the class yesterday. Then I sewed up this week's Circa 2016 blocks. 28 hourglass blocks. I'm using up charm squares gathered at the last several years of shop hops.

It's going to be very scrappy. I hope nobody notices that there is some very ugly fabric in it.


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