Jo's Little Women

The mailman brought me treasure today! New books are always fun. Something else to keep me busy, at least until Jo's Little Women Club 15 comes out. I love my little quiltlets.

The following quilts are some from Jo's Little Women Club #14 from 2015. It was the first year for me and was a lot of fun.

 This is Gosling. I put off making it for a while as the ½" by 1" flying geese were rather intimidating. But I gave it a try and it came out rather well, and those baby geese weren't bad at all.

Stars for Autumn. The colors didn't photograph quite right -- they look rather yucky in the photo but the are nice fall colors in reality.

Lots of little hourglasses. This one went fast.
Instant gratification.

                    Little log cabin blocks in winter holiday colors.

Snowy claiming Burgoyne Surrounded as her own. I want it on record that she is not my cat. She's my husbands spoiled darling and doesn't even like me, she just likes the quilts and having her picture taken.



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