Treasure in the Mail

The mailman brought me Great Treasure today:

The patterns for this years Little Women Club. There are a couple I won't be able to do as I can't do much handwork anymore due to RA in my hands but there will be enough to keep me busy inbetween all my other projects.

A nice selection of Jo Morton fabric came with the patterns. I'm looking forward to using it. I'm glad there are more light colors this year as I usually run short on it. Wish there were more blues.

After I got through petting and rearranging the fabric I made a few blocks for the Gypsy Wife quilt. I made the two blocks that are just 16 HSTs, the cute little heart block, and another whose name escapes me right now.  I wanted to make this bright and scrappy but I'm beginning to be afraid that it may be too bright, like put on sunglasses before you look at it. Or maybe it's just that I'm used to the more muted and somber reproduction fabrics I've been working with for the past several years.

                                                   See? I said it was scrappy and bright!



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