Lazy Sunday

I was wakened early today by the sound of silence. That probably needs a bit of explanation. We have doves. Normally they start making dove noises as soon as it's light. Most make typical dove cooing, but one of ours sounds just like a barking dog and another sounds like a child laughing. At first I couldn't figure out what was wrong or why I was awake so early (for me), then it dawned on me that we were getting the silent treatment. They were out of food. I dragged myself out of my warm bed and went out and fed them. Feeding birds is my husbands job but I didn't feel like waking him up .

Splendid Sampler 

By then the chilly air had me wide awake and going back to sleep was not an option so I headed into the sewing room. Sunday is a Splendid Sampler day so I turned on the computer and downloaded the pattern for today. More hearts. Then I did yesterday and todays 365 challenge blocks.  All before noon. I hardly knew what do to for the rest of the day but I managed to somehow fill the hours, even letting DH make a quite good dinner of beer can chicken, greens,  kasha, and fresh pineapple. Ice cream for dessert, of course.

Youngest Daughter is recovering from her surgery and is home from work until the stitches  are out. To keep herself amused she is planning a hobbit village for the hillside outside her home.
365 Challenge


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