All Caught Up

I'm slipping on my writing here, but it has been a busy week. I'm all caught up on my various sew-a-longs, done some cleanup in the backyard, and repotted our Jade plants on the front porch.  The poor plants had gotten so big they were tipping over. Parsley and dill have been planted in the herb tubs in the driveway. I have to grow them in the front yard as the back is too shady for the veggies and herbs. Perfect for ferns and violets, though. St. Patricks day I got up early and put the corned beef in the crockpot and we took a trip up to the hills to do some maintenance on our campsite.I hadn't been up there for quite a while and the first thing I saw was our wisteria blooming. It smells so good!

We pulled some weeds, filled the bird feeders, and moved a big pile of bricks, starting to get ready to level the ground so we can get a new(er) trailer. Our last one was old and very leaky and falling apart so we got rid of it and are looking for another one. We came home and cooked the potatoes and cabbage for colcannon, made a caramelized banana clafouti and feasted.

I really like the Splendid Sampler so far, but I'm not so thrilled with the 365 Challenge right now. I'm getting tired of my colors and I'm not going to do any more 3" mitered corners. I don't like them. It's my quilt so I can substitute if I want to. Blah blah rant over. Circa 2016 is only once a week and doesn't take any time at all so no problem there.


I found a nifty pattern to hold sewing items for traveling so I decided to give it a try yesterday. It went together easily. I used some fabric my sister gifted me. It only uses 3 fat quarters and some batting scraps. It holds the little Olfa cutting mat, my 2 ½ x 6 ½ ruler (I can't live without that!) rotary cutter, scissors, pens, seam ripper, and any other little thing I can think to put in there. Pins and needles can be put in the inner side of the flap. Now I can't wait to travel to give it a try.
The website where the pattern can be found is: down at the very bottom of the picture below.


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