Catchup Day

After being gone for a couple of days I had catching up to do -- three 365 Challenge blocks, one Splendid Sampler, and only one Broken Dishes block for Circa 2016, although I suspect more of these will be needed.

While we were at the hospital waiting for my daughter to be out of surgery we went down to the cafeteria for lunch. Across the room from where we were seated there was what appeared to be a large mosaic covering the wall and after lunch I went over to take a closer look. It reminded me of a watercolor-type quilt.

Imagine my surprise when I got close up:

It was made up of photos of employees of the hospital foundation. Amazing! I admire the talent it took to accomplish it.

My words of wisdom for today are if your rotary cutter falls don't try to catch it.

I just hope it will be functional without too much pain for my jelly roll class tomorrow.


  1. Hello Judith, rotary cutters can be nasty .I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery.Enjoyed seeing the collage of photos. My husband made one of our daughter for her 21st birthday.Warm Regards Lyn


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