Moving Forward

My Civil War Class was this week and lots of fun as usual. Four of us have been taking the yearly Civil War classes for six years now. It's not that we are so interested in making the quilts anymore as it is our monthly get together. The modern version of a quilting bee.

Today one of the gals and I braved the wind and rain and went to a semi-local quilt show. It was a non-judged show.  The quilts were nice, as were the clothes. The guild also had a cloth doll making group and it was fun seeing the variations of Raggedy Ann and Andy. There was an abundance of nice raffle baskets so we're waiting and hoping for phone calls to tell us we won something.

Yesterday I got caught up again on 365 Challenge and Circa 2016:

And also Splendid Sampler:

Oops! Looking at the picture I see that the center section is off. It's going to stay the way it is. If I ever have a day with absolutely nothing else to do and the house is immaculate I will fix it.

Violets are blooming! Spring is coming!


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