Lazy Day

A very lazy day. Yesterday I only did the daily 365 Challenge block as far as sewing goes, but the day was so beautiful and warm and it called me outside. My garden has turned into a jungle in the years since my back injury so there is work to be done. Oxalis has taken over so I set about pulling some up. Then I pulled up some more, And more. And so it went for several hours until I had filled several crates. When I was thoroughly stiff and breathless I figured it was time to take a break and fix dinner.  Homemade gluten free gnocchi alfredo.

Today I'm so stiff and sore I can hardly move. Took a muscle relaxant and tylenol but that only made me sleepy, so I slept away the afternoon instead of doing anything productive. The garden is going to take a lot more work; Once the oxalis was out of the way I found jasmine vines twining their way all over the yard, even climbing six feet up the fig tree that is a good thirty feet away from the original jasmine trellis. Violets are blooming and starting to grow leaves. Ferns have spread and need thinning.  I will be spending many more hours out there making it right again, but fewer hours at a time than yesterday.

Center for 365 Challenge

   Splendid Sampler Block #5 -- only 95 to go!


  1. Judith my back is aching in sympathy! How did you injure it? I have severe spinal arthritis and can't do much at a time...I do the same thing, feel pretty good and get a lot done, but I pay for it the next few days. Your blocks are gorgeous. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about the foot pedal for the featherweight - I never would have though of turning it around and using it that way!


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