December 18, 2025

The Verdict.

Finally, the visit with the haemotologist/oncologist. There was the good news, if cancer can ever be good news, the lymphoma is stage one and hasn't spread anywhere other than my neck. 6 to 8 cycles of chemo should take care of it.  Then the bad news. He scrolled down the pet scan to the lungs and pointed out a tiny spot in the middle of my left lung.  Not likely to be lymphoma but there isn't a clue what it is as of now. He's calling it stage four. That sounds scary.  I will be getting that biopsied on January 6. He wants to hold off on the chemo until he finds out exactly what it is so the chemo cocktail can be adjusted accordingly.  I like this doctor; he explains things well and anticipated almost every question I had.  Next step the chemo port installation in two days.


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