
Some years ago I cut up some fabric and put it in a shoebox with a picture of a quilt and then got busy and  forgot about it. Last week, being in-between projects, I found the box during a sewing room tidy-up and sewed the pieces up into 20 jewel box blocks. The scraps were tossed in the wastebasket. I went to empty the wastebasket this morning and saw all the scraps -- perfect little triangles of batiks and black, and just couldn't throw them away.

So I sewed them together into little pinwheels.
Most of my quilts for the past two years have  been scrappy quilts. Scrappy was very difficult for me at first as I was a very matchy-matchy quilter and everything has to be symmetrical. I jumped into scrapping with both feet and haven't looked back. I have boxes of scraps --2", 2 ½ ", 3" 4" squares. and strips:  1", 1 ½". 2", and 2 ½". My 365 Challenge and Circa 2016 are being made with scraps. I kind of consider them to be "free" quilts.

Jewel Box block

So now I have 33 cute little 2 ½ inch pinwheels that will go into a quilt someday. For now they will go into the orphan drawer and wait for their time to come.

Somewhere I once read that if you are making a
project and have 5 fabrics, only two will work together and if you have 10 fabrics maybe 4 or 5 will work, but if you have 25 fabrics they all will work together. In scrapping it's really the more the merrier.


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