January 14, 2023

Chemo Day

It almost didn't happen. I spent Saturday and Sunday with horrible stomach pains. Finally about 3am it let up enough I could get a couple hours of sleep. Something must have showed up on my blood test Friday as they called about 5:30 Monday and wanted me to come in for another blood test. I was trying to find someone to tell me if I should postpone chemo but it was after hours and I called every number I could find and nobody knew nothing.  So we proceeded according to plan, got up at the ungodly (if you are retired) hour of 6am. I had a handful of pills to take with food, but I can't eat early in the morning.  I am a night person.  Mornings are not my friend, nor is any food before noon. I managed to get down some yogurt and 12 pills and we headed out, hoping they wouldn't send me home.  I was prepared with my chemo bag of everything I possibly could need and my new minky blankie.  

They didn't send me home. I was settled into a comfy recliner and had the nicest nurse who explained everything, the drugs I was getting, how long each one would take, any side effects that might be likely.  With one of the drugs she infused into my port she had me eating ice chips as that would make mouth sores less likely, also eating no hot food or drinks for a few days and possibility of peeing red due to the dye.  I began to calm down; I had been making myself a nervous wreck.  It was slightly painful getting the needle into the port, even though I had used the nickle-sized lump of lidocaine recommended. The nurse said use a quarter size lump next time.  After 7 hours I was on my way home.  DH and DD took turns sitting with me; it made the time go faster.  DD has been an angel, finding all kinds of necessities and driving us back and forth. I will miss her when sh goes home.  DH is learning how to keep house and cook and take care of the cats.  

January 15, 2025

Day one. I was up at the reasonable hour of 9 am.   I took the pills after DH made me a Jimmy Dean egg muffin.  I am feeling fine; no nausea yet. I spent most the day in the sewing room and trying to drink the required 2 quarts of water.  The bathroom cleaning ritual takes a lot of time when you have to drink a lot. Anyway, feeling good and hope it continues.


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