Summer too Soon

90 degrees today! What happened to Spring?? I'm not ready for hot weather yet. To be honest, I'm never ready for it. It can stay Spring and Fall forever and make me really happy.

This week I've been making the corner blocks for the center medallion of the 365 Challenge.

To be perfectly honest, I cheated on this Corner 3 below and didn't do the mitered corner. Half square triangles give the same result, are faster, and use less fabric.

When I opened the bedroom window yesterday I was greeted with the most marvelous fragrance. so
with the help of a walking stick (my back is still not back to normal and I'm hobbling like the old lady that I am) I ventured out t the backyard. I want to bottle the combined fragrance.

Orange Blossom

Pink Jasmine


Apothecary Rose

Pittosporum Tobira



  1. Where do you live that it's so hot already? Here in New York State, it's been very cold and snowy since April started...but good weather for getting quilting done! I'm a quilting granny too, one who is waiting for some warm weather to show up so the flowers can start blooming!


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