
Showing posts from January, 2025
 January 30, 2025 Day 17 Amazing day. I feel good. Machine sewed binding on a quiltlet needing one, worked on the woven heart pillow top for the swap, discovered Snowy had an ingrown toenail and needed to go to the vet, made dinner, baked muffins and toasted the tops. and caught DH cheating on his AA meetings.  Dinner was good; spirited chicken, kasha, broccoli. Muffins are ok even toasted. Dana's friends Jim and Tammy came to get the leather sewing machines. I got the potato chip quilt top sewed together. Put it in the pile of things to go to a guild meeting, whenever I get to go to one. Made labels as to which month they belong in. Finished the hand sewing on the quiltlet for the next small quilt club -- hope I can go. I'm really feeling cabin fever.  I want to go to the Folsom quilt show. The Potato Chip Quilt They said "Betcha you can't make just one" I say "Oh yeah? Watch me"
 January 28, 2025 Day 15 Miracles happen.  Yesterday I woke up feeling good.  I ate, I created a mess in the sewing room, I felt human again. Today was even better. I did some sewing, although my back gave me some trouble probably due to all the laying down I did last week.  It will probably get better the longer I'm up, I hope so as I've made the decision to brave the crowd and go to the Folsom quilt show this weekend. With all the guilds not having shows due to rising rents I'm afraid it will be the last one, and Folsom is my favorite.  I'll take the walker and wear a mask and probably take my own lunch to be safe but their food is always catered and always good.  In addition to having a wonderful show they have the best raffle baskets. Last year I won two, both cat themed. Speaking of cats, we had a bad cat year two years ago, losing 9 cats in one year. They were all old; between 15-18 years old, all beloved rescues. It was a really bad year as I also lo...
 January 26, 2025 Day 13 I've always said January is the longest month and now I know it is true.  Chemo makes it so.  I guess February, my second longest month, March, and April, formerly my favorite months, will also pass equally slow. It will probably be the longest year of my life. I'm not fond of January and February due to the cold and dark. I love spring. I hope to enjoy it this year.  Today I still have the quasi queasy feeling, like maybe I won't be sick but maybe I will.  I have the pills so I probably should take them. I should also eat but my appetite has gone away. According to the scale I've lost 10 pounds. It doesn't seem like it, I still have this big fat belly, although it does have more wrinkles than it used to.  Reading back when I started writing this journal I see that I bought the pattern book for the Gypsy Wife quilt eight years ago. I'm happy to report I finished the top last summer. It was an adventure for sure. Most the blocks were...
 January 24, 2025  Oh no -- only Day 11 Yesterday wasn't good. I was woken before dawn by the barking dog and excruciating muscle spasms in my back. There was no way to get comfortable or make the pains go away. They knocked the wind out of me.  I finally gave up and got up. Grabbed the computer and looked up "chemo muscle spasm".  One of the causes jumped out at me -- electrolytes and dehydration.  I've always had a hard time drinking the recommended amount of water and during chemo I was told to drink at least 2 quarts a day. I had been slipping in my drinking and had also stopped my multi vitamin and mineral pill due to it being too large to swallow comfortably with my shrunken throat. I also never salt my food.  So for breakfast I had a hard boiled egg with lots of seasoning salt, yogurt for the calcium,  and a nice banana full of potassium. I already take daily magnesium so that was covered.  I drank a Gatorade and lots of water.  Within...
 January 22, 2025 Day 9 Feeling very lazy and generally not good the past several days.  Pretty much kicking back in the recliner dozing off and on.  Still sleeping good at night, sometimes with 5mg cannabis help.  At last the final shot for this cycle. I've been doing it myself but still close my eyes.  No outright nausea/vomiting  but a few queasy sessions that the peppermint inhaler seems to work for. Also sucking on a lot of peppermints. I did manage to sit up long enough to sew some of the potato chip blocks together. Tomorrow the cleaning ladies come.
January 18, 2025 Day 5  The last day to take the prednisone, thank goodness. That stuff made my glucose go to 345. Fortunately it is down by the next morning but rather scary to see it that high.  Last night was the first day of the five shots. DH got the pleasure of jabbing me.  I don't have the nerve to do it to myself yet. I just stood there with my eyes scrunched shut and let him do it. I'm trying to keep a log of symptoms, side effects, etc. so I know what to expect when in the following 8 chemo cycles. Have some vertigo today so I'm keeping the peppermint inhaler and compazine nearby in case the dreaded nausea/vomiting arrives. I'm really hoping I can skip that part. I did an online CraftNapa class by Pati Fried about making vignettes.  One of my creations: Preserved leaf with acorn I'm trying to be productive as long as I can; this is my February project for my little quilt club: It's 11 " by 12" and made from my basket of one inch scrap strips
 January 14, 2023 Chemo Day It almost didn't happen. I spent Saturday and Sunday with horrible stomach pains. Finally about 3am it let up enough I could get a couple hours of sleep. Something must have showed up on my blood test Friday as they called about 5:30 Monday and wanted me to come in for another blood test. I was trying to find someone to tell me if I should postpone chemo but it was after hours and I called every number I could find and nobody knew nothing.  So we proceeded according to plan, got up at the ungodly (if you are retired) hour of 6am. I had a handful of pills to take with food, but I can't eat early in the morning.  I am a night person.  Mornings are not my friend, nor is any food before noon. I managed to get down some yogurt and 12 pills and we headed out, hoping they wouldn't send me home.  I was prepared with my chemo bag of everything I possibly could need and my new minky blankie.   They didn't send me home. I was settled into a...
 January 6, 2025 The Biopsy It didn't work. The doctors said it was a small target and it was hit or miss. It was a miss. I'm laying there in the cat scan machine while the doctor is doing his thing.I feel like coughing but try not to.  My mouth fills with liquid, I swallow. happens again. The nurse starts suctioning out my mouth.  "Well, that's it. We hit a vein." the doctor says it was just too small a target with too many blood veins near it.  I wish they had gone with the original plan of doing three cycles of chemo then checking it on the pet scan. This postponed chemo by a week.   My chemo guide Swapna calls me every couple of days with information on the various pills and stuff I'm supposed to take and about the chemo drugs. The chemo info she sent is 18 pages long. I like that she keeps in touch and gives me helpful hints, Blood test Friday.  She said I will have to have blood tests before every chemo visit.